fishing with the xbox


i am fishing in the ice carninval. didn't get a fish. only caught one all year. when i get the hit and get the greern bar, i am ok until i move the bar with my x key. maybe i need to do another key? when i do the x key the bar goes up so fast. i am trying to punch it fast so ther green bar is slower but then the4 fish moves up and down and i can't seem to gwet the bar behind the fish. i did try the beginners pole and had better luck so i can cettch fish to make sashimi and other cooking dishes. anybody using the xbox have anyy clues?

Lew Zealand

I got used to fishing on the Switch which also uses a controller, and the best way to Fish is rapid (or not so rapid) fast taps on the X which is seems you're doing. Try to keep those taps as short as possible. Same thing on PC with the mouse click but the idea is the same, little clicks and vary the speed and amount of them to control the green Fishing bar.

One key thing I did notice is that when the controllers are directly connected to the Switch, there was an imperceptible delay between me tapping the button and the bar going up, whereas if I used the controller wirelessly, there was a more noticeable delay, and that made catching Fish harder. Maybe the XBox doesn't have this little delay when used wirelessly but I don't know that one way or another. Something to keep in mind.

Different Fish run away from the bar at different speeds and with different behaviors so the strategy is a little different for each one. I think at some point someone mentioned the best location for catching overall easier Fish, which may have been from the Rivers in town. I'll see if I can find that.

Edit: I just read your other post, definitely try to Fish with your most dextrous hand. Fishing with any additional challenges is a really tall order.


I am using Xbox 1 to play this game and every time I go fishing I can never catch any fish for the bundles. It is impossible to catch the fish I need to complete the fishing bundle. Can you make it easier for us using this version to catch the fish we need?


i am using the xbox1 controller on the xbox x. one problem is the fish moves up and down. i can control somewhat the green bar going up but when the fish moves down i have no control over the movement of the green bar. i just have to wait as it slowly drops. i use the training rod to catch some herring to make sashimi or other dishes. i havent got the fish taco recipe yet so i don't know what fish it uses.


So I would suggest using crab pots and fish ponds to get your fishing level up, then trying to fish when you're level seven or eight and can buy the iridium rod. It's much easier when your green bar is bigger, and you can equip a cork or trap bobber to help catch the fish.

You can get three crab pots from the community center by donating beach forage and a crab dropped from a rock crab in the mines. If you can't yet buy bait from Willy, make friends with Linus so he can teach you how to make wild bait. Even trash will give you a little bit of fishing experience.


So I would suggest using crab pots and fish ponds to get your fishing level up, then trying to fish when you're level seven or eight and can buy the iridium rod. It's much easier when your green bar is bigger, and you can equip a cork or trap bobber to help catch the fish.

You can get three crab pots from the community center by donating beach forage and a crab dropped from a rock crab in the mines. If you can't yet buy bait from Willy, make friends with Linus so he can teach you how to make wild bait. Even trash will give you a little bit of fishing experience.

Thank you very much, I will try that. :smile:


i went fishing all day at the river by marne. i did catch a sunfish and a chub. those two times the green bar stayed low. i got the crab pots now and will try to make bait for them. it was a slow process buying fish from the pig lady. and frequently i buy the same one i already have. thank you.


am testing on the fishing now. winter 2 day 1, training pole used south of marnes ranch. caught 4 chub, two perch and 5 green algae. lost half a dozen hits trying to catch them. then i got exhausted. winter 2 day 2, bamboo pole at same place. 10 hits but couldn't keep the green bar at the right place. did catch two green algae. i have the crab pots but no bait yet other than buying it from the pig lady. i didn't see any bait for sale at the beach but i will try again there. so frustrating.

winter 2 day 3. can't buy bait at the shop so fished all day until i was exhausted. did catch one herring and one halibut because the fish stayed down at the bottom. also caught 3 seaweed, two trash and one soggy newspaper. then went to sleep. that day i got second level fishing and bait entitlement. hopefully i can buy bait now...
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When your fishing level goes up, your bar gets bigger, except on the training rod where it‘s the same size as the level 5 bar. Lots of people, me included, stick with the training rod till level 4 or 5. You just get more practice with the bar that way until you’re ready to catch more difficult fish. Mogbeoulve‘s advice to wait even longer is also good.
With the bamboo rod you have a smaller bar and can catch harder fish, so you're more likely to lose the fish. It’s more frustrating and harder to get the motion down.
Bait makes it quicker to get fish on the hook but they are just as hard once they’re on.
Bringing food or buying trout soup from Willy can help keep you going, too.


am testing on the fishing now. winter 2 day 1, training pole used south of marnes ranch. caught 4 chub, two perch and 5 green algae. lost half a dozen hits trying to catch them. then i got exhausted. winter 2 day 2, bamboo pole at same place. 10 hits but couldn't keep the green bar at the right place. did catch two green algae. i have the crab pots but no bait yet other than buying it from the pig lady. i didn't see any bait for sale at the beach but i will try again there. so frustrating.

winter 2 day 3. can't buy bait at the shop so fished all day until i was exhausted. did catch one herring and one halibut because the fish stayed down at the bottom. also caught 3 seaweed, two trash and one soggy newspaper. then went to sleep. that day i got second level fishing and bait entitlement. hopefully i can buy bait now...
Your can stick to the training pole, it makes it a lot easier. Not only is the bar bigger, but it will also exclude all difficult fish!

The lake in front of the mines has some very easy fish to catch. Try fishing there to mix things up a bit.

If you see bubbles in the water, fishing in that spot will make it a bit quicker.


thank you for the help!!! i will go back to the training pole. winter year 2 and i still don't have the greenhouse. how many years do i have to get the community center finished? is there a limit on the pig lady selling different fish? i will put one my crap pots up by the mines. if they work well i will buy some more if they are for sale. i got the skeleton key so making advancement there...


thank you for the help!!! i will go back to the training pole. winter year 2 and i still don't have the greenhouse. how many years do i have to get the community center finished? is there a limit on the pig lady selling different fish? i will put one my crap pots up by the mines. if they work well i will buy some more if they are for sale. i got the skeleton key so making advancement there...
You have unlimited time to finish the community center.
The travelling cart has a rotating menu, whether she sells the fish you need is random. If you give enough items to the museum, there is also another merchant that sells fish sometimes.

There are different crab pot catches for fresh water and salt water, but beyond that the location doesn't matter. I always catch the fresh water fish on the farm, makes it easier to check every day.