Coding Help First-Time Modder Confused by a seemingly unfixable error (JSON, Content Patcher)


Hello! I should warn now that using forums is a bit unfamiliar to me so I apologize for any mistakes.
Very recently I decided to try my hand at making mods for Stardew, figuring I needed to put the pixel art I've been practicing to use. I decided to add a single crop for my first go, simply because it seemed, in my eyes, to be the most straightforward option. I'm using Content Patcher, and didn't have many issues aside from simple little issues and having tofix my spritesheet having never made one... until recently. I've been cross-referencing the content.json's of some of the other crop mods I enjoy and have played with, and ran into an issue after addings a string of code I realized I had missed. After adding the code, I started getting an 'expected comma' error on the lines below it. I've gotten this before, I forget sometimes, but when I tried to fix it in the way I had previously, it gave me a 'trailing comma' error instead. I've since attempted every other possible comma location I can think of and it still says this. Is it at all possible for someone to take a look at this (Attached a screenshot of the error.) and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I should probably add that the most amount of code I've ever written before this was 'hello world' for a Javascript class I took a good few years ago, so I'm a bit..clueless. If it helps in anyway, I'm using Visual Studio Code.

Again, apologize for any mistakes forum use wise, I'm very new to this kinda thing.
Screenshot 2024-08-11 195352.png


Add a comma after the curly bracket on line 64.

Starting on line 71, remove the starting comma and add an open curly bracket. So, it should be:
....//block of code here
}, //dont forget to add a comma and a closing bracket.

"Action": "Load",
"Target": "Mods/{{ModId}}/Objects",
"FromFile": "assets/{{TargetWithoutPath}}.png"

The trailing comma error was read as a closing comma stated in line 71 for line 64.

An example from one of the mods I've worked on for further explanation (i suck at words soo xdd)


Add a comma after the curly bracket on line 64.

Starting on line 71, remove the starting comma and add an open curly bracket. So, it should be:
....//block of code here
}, //dont forget to add a comma and a closing bracket.

"Action": "Load",
"Target": "Mods/{{ModId}}/Objects",
"FromFile": "assets/{{TargetWithoutPath}}.png"

The trailing comma error was read as a closing comma stated in line 71 for line 64.

An example from one of the mods I've worked on for further explanation (i suck at words soo xdd)
View attachment 24476
OHHHH!! Put that in and it fixed it, TYSM!!!!