Fiddle-darn ferns


Fiddlehead Ferns early?

Your best bet, is the Green Rain at summer. Some wild trees at Cindersap Forest, Pelican Town or the Mountains, when chopped down, yield Ferns instead of wood.

You can also rarely find them lying around for picking up, when you unlock the Secret Woods area of Cindersap Forest.

If you know the game inside out and unlock Ginger Island as fast as you can, another option is to gather them from the eastern area, near Leo's tree hut.


before i waste a ton of time and money trying to find fiddlehead ferns in the skull cavern, how do i forage them exactly? is it just like picking up a horseradish, or do i need a scythe?
You don't need a scythe. Wear your best boots, carry your best sword, and use Mousey Pounds' predictor to see when prehistoric levels are within reasonable reach. No point going in if you have to reach level 100. Totem to beam you out when you've grabbed it will keep you from getting burned up by Peppers Rex? Pepper Rexes? Dinosaurs! before you get out. Of course, if you feel confident, you can see about grabbing a dino egg and some bones if you need 'em.
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