Fat, old, and happy - that's me!


Sorry not sorry, I just had to use my mum's favourite quote lol.

Nice to meet you! I'm Iota (as in iota not Lota). I'm nearing my middle aged years, currently living in Japan (it's not as amazing as it's cracked up to be, but it's been fun... minus the summer. Oh gods, the summer) but will be going home in September. In fall, I'll be getting job training to change my career from freelance artist to something else (I'm thinking game developer or environmental artist). The loves of my life are my two cats, and soon I'll have a dog to dote on too. My mum is one of my favourite people and I got her into video games this past year. We're currently playing Persona, but I hope to introduce her to Stardew (played over 300 hours of it, haha... ha...) and Haunted eventually, as I suspect she'll love them. :)

Nice to meet you! How's your summer/winter going?


Staff member
Welcome Iota! My summer has been alright, but I'm definitely looking forward to cooler weather after a couple heat waves earlier in the summer here.