Question Farmer to Florist Issues-possible Star Drop Handler related?


So I've downloaded the most recent version of the farmer the florist stuff from Git hub and they aren't working properly like the letters don't have the recipes and attachments, and the flower seeds are showing up in the shops. I had found and old discussion on this from 2021 and someone said that taking out the sub folders from the main ones and putting the sub folders directly into the mob folder got them to work. I've tried experimenting with this and it completely breaks the game to where smapi won't load it. I'm wondering if this is related to the Stardrop Mod handler I'm using, or if i'm just don't doing is properly. I was hoping someone who has done it and had success with it could tell me how they did it specifically with some screenshots so that I can hopefully figure out what i'm doing wrong. I'd also like to find out if part of the problem is the stardrop mod handler or if that is fine to keep using.

Lenora Rose

That's alright, thank you for replying. I've decided to just try using the oldest version from nexus and hope it's still kind of functional
I did find something, much more recently, in the DGA version; the ID for the recipe is miswritten in the letters. In one places It's Converted_Recipe Name, in the other it's PPJA.RecipeName. Change the ID in one or the other place then double check that it matches the i18n names. This gets you the recipes. Other things are still kind of broken, though.

But what I would do if I hadn't found that (and I wasn't using it chiefly for the flowers not the rest) is download the very last strictly JA version.