Windows Farm Cave Visual Bug


The background image above the entrance of the farm cave overlaps with nearby buildings and trees. This is present on every farm type except the Forest Farm:

Standard Farm (looks like the Wilderness Farm but the bottom of the cave entrance is curved)
Standard Farm.png

Riverland Farm (bottom of the cave entrance is flat like the Wilderness Farm)
Riverland Farm.png

Forest Farm (obscured by the forest canopy; bottom of the cave entrance is flat like the Wilderness Farm)
Forest Farm.png

Hill-top Farm (bottom of the cave entrance is flat like the Wilderness Farm)
Hill-top Farm.png

Wilderness Farm (looks like the Standard Farm but the bottom of the cave entrance is flat)
Wilderness Farm.png

Four Corners Farm
Four Corners Farm.png

Beach Farm
Beach Farm.png

Meadowlands Farm (bottom of the cave entrance is flat like the Wilderness Farm)
Meadowlands Farm.png

v1.6.15 build 24356