Windows Farm animals do not wander around the farm when it's not loaded


I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended behavior, but I think animals should be able to roam around while the player is away from the farm. At the moment, while the player is not on the farm [since the beginning of the day], the animals can only go to the nearest grass (within a certain radius?), after which they freeze in place. And if there is no grass nearby, they just stand at the entrance. Since it affects pig efficiency, I'm inclined to believe it's a bug.

Benefits of farm animal roaming:
* Pigs produce truffles more efficiently (same as if the player was on a farm);
* Farm is more vibrant;
* Animals can eat grass at greater distances (not sure).

I made a mod that makes animals behave the same without the player on the farm as if he was there, but it would still be nice if this behavior became vanilla.

Game version: 1.6.8 (Steam)
OS: Windows 10