Solved Fairy Trinket change with newest update


Mine changed too. Went from the vibrant pink wings in the blue tunic to the goth one. I'm heart broken. It also dropped from a level five to a level one, but that's just iridium, I'm in year four and have no shortage there. 🤣 I just want my pretty pink fairy wings back. 😞


I understand that the fairy color is tied to the game's save file code. Today when my game updated, my fairy suddenly switched pallets. I'm not upset at all by this but maybe others are.

Both images are from the same file, the first is the new palette and the second is the previous.
Going to mark this as solved, in favor of the main thread about this issue:

It was a side-effect of a necessary bug fix, but no trinkets should change from here on out after this patch, so it is safe to reroll them now