Expand on the Community Upgrades

Swag yeti

I enjoy the fact that once you finish the Community Centre/Joja Warehouse and fully upgrade your house, you can build a house for Pam and Penny, but after that there isn’t anything else. I feel it could be a great way to continue to improve the world, for example (if completing the Community Centre) the Joja Mart is Just left abandoned. Also there is the quarry and mutant bug lair which serve little purpose once the item at the end is retrieved. Even if they aren’t included in the community upgrades it would be nice for them to serve a greater purpose later on.


Have you tried to enter the Joja Mart?

It is hit by lightning after you finished the community center, and there is one last bundle on the floor

The mutant lair is good for bug meat if you need bait. The quarry mine I haven't entered again.

In general, I think that is just an endgame problem. All storylines have to end at some point. If you add more, it will end after the next one.


we could also have tiers for them so they would stay on the same place, just have more difficult requirements with some.... speific rewards
mutant bug lair coul work for thnigs silk maybe magical one ?
i dotn really have good idea for quarry maybe some automation that would allow you to get random resurces that would be sent to you by cart
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A good upgrade would be a post office Morris could work there. Maybe a hot air balloon to take your spouse on dates. On another subject imagine if some of the npcs once you married them would open up and maybe tell about a family feud and then the family (new npcs) come to town and you have to settle the fewd by becoming freinds. But some more upgrades could be

farmers market- you can build it and for a couple days a season set up a stand for a price people from around the country would come to get the finest quality! But you can also buy things from other sellers at the market such as rare animals special goats that produce every day or a iridium cow!

Linus tent- around late game year 4 to 6 linus's tent breaks he's forced to set up shop at the wizards but unbenounced to him you can give him small cabin with all the luxurys! (This would be less likely go be added)

georges wheelchair- George needs a new wheel chair his is Smokey and gross why not get him a shiny new pair of wheels. What's that you say? Yes it does go 0 - 60 in 3 seconds.

etc etc
edit I meant slimey not Smokey on the wheel chair but that fits better