Exact Artifact Spot Mechanics?


So I'm down to the last artifact in the museum, which a little unfortunately is one that doesn't appear in artifact troves or fishing chests or anything like that, and while I've been checking the forest and town every day with Tracker to help zero in on Artifact Spots, it's still slow going.

So I was wondering, since the wiki is a bit vague on the subject, does anyone know the exact mechanics behind artifact spot spawning? Does it help if I harvest them outside of the areas I'm looking for? Is there anything that increases their odds of appearing, like rain or whatnot?


So I'm down to the last artifact in the museum, which a little unfortunately is one that doesn't appear in artifact troves or fishing chests or anything like that, and while I've been checking the forest and town every day with Tracker to help zero in on Artifact Spots, it's still slow going.

So I was wondering, since the wiki is a bit vague on the subject, does anyone know the exact mechanics behind artifact spot spawning? Does it help if I harvest them outside of the areas I'm looking for? Is there anything that increases their odds of appearing, like rain or whatnot?
Idk about mechanics but I feel like I had alot more artifact spots in the winter. Whether they spawn more or were just easier to find Im not sure. Happy Hunting