Every variant of roe is suddenly nonexistant? Even when using Look Up Anything mod. Please help me

Not quite sure about the Roe. Are you using any XNB mods?

The MARGO related error says it's missing "896"; which is a vanilla game item. Specifically, the "Galaxy Soul".
18:58:05    TRACE    SMAPI    Dynamic Game Assets edited Data/ObjectInformation.
18:58:05    TRACE    SMAPI       SMAPI okay.
18:58:05    TRACE    SMAPI       Checking for updates to 463 mods...
18:58:05    ERROR    MARGO :: Modular Gameplay Overhaul    Mod crashed when editing asset 'Data/ObjectInformation', which may cause errors in-game. Error details:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key '896' was not present in the dictionary.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at DaLion.Overhaul.Modules.Arsenal.Events.ArsenalAssetRequestedEvent.EditObjectInformationData(IAssetData asset) in C:\dev\sdv\mods\pc\Modular Gameplay Overhaul\Modules\Arsenal\Events\ArsenalAssetRequestedEvent.cs:line 174
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentManagers.GameContentManager.ApplyEditors[T](IAssetInfo info, IAssetData asset, List`1 editOperations)
18:58:05    TRACE    SMAPI    MARGO :: Modular Gameplay Overhaul edited Data/ObjectInformation.
If it's not showing up, that's a bit suspect. And may be related to the missing Roe.
You may want to try resetting your game files:

I also see that your version of MARGO is the debug build; does this also happen on the normal build?