Switch Event script error, Robin's hardwood quest cutscene ( ver)

An error occurs when entering the mountain between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m
Switch edition Stardew Valley is experiencing numerous bugs right now.
This is due to the porting team for Switch messing up some code while working on the patch for 1.6 update.

They have identified the problem and are working to fix it right now!
You can expect a bug fix to release very soon.

Thank you for waiting in the meantime!
Warmest Regards,


there was this error when i played stardew today, i wanted to upgrade my house to lvl 3 so i went to robins, then in the bottom right hand corner there was this mesage. it said "[error] event script could not load tilesheets\\furnature asset! [error] on line #4: specifictemporarysprite staticsprite tilesheets\\furnature 160 1087 48 64 2.25 18" i only know this because i took a screenshot but its a little hard to read because the text started to fade away when i took a photo. after that my game froze and i couldnt move, press any buttons, etc. im very confused and sad because if i restart the day i lose all my progress. it was 2:40 ingame when this happened and i had so much stuff done.



Switch edition Stardew Valley is experiencing numerous bugs right now.
This is due to the porting team for Switch messing up some code while working on the patch for 1.6 update.

They have identified the problem and are working to fix it right now!
You can expect a bug fix to release very soon.

Thank you for waiting in the meantime!
Warmest Regards,
lmao i just posted a thread of the same problem, its good to know that this glitch will be fixed. thanks for the info!


I’m having exactly the same problem. Only that I finished Robins 80 Hardwood quest the in-game day before and wanted to see the cutscene the next day. Then I got the error message



Robin's house took longer than usual to load and an error message appeared (bottom left corner). This only happened the once, I went back to Robin's the next day and didn't get any error message.


I had the exact same error message when I went to Robins for her cutscene after completing her 80 Hardwood quest
