Error Code -36 when adding mods to mod folder. Please help!


The Problem: I haven't seen anyone have this issue before so I was hoping to get some clarity of what my next steps should be. After following all the steps to download all the necessary files for some mods I wanted to use (Extended, Immersive Spouses, Date Night to start with) as well as downloading SMAPI version 4.1.10, I can't even finish the final step, which is adding the mods into the mod folder. Every time I try to drag and drop the folders after unzipping them, I keep getting a pop up that says "The Finder can't complete the operation because some data "[insert mod folder name]" can't be read or written. (Error code -36). What does this mean, and where do I go from here? Thank you to all responses in advance!

Some additional information if needed:
Working with a Ventura 13.1, Macbook Air
All mods downloaded off of Nexus
I had just tried my had at modding recently with Minecraft Pixelmon, and felt I haven't properly deleted all files completely, although I did try, so if this is a storage issue I think I can try to clear that up. I just don't know how to clear up everything for sure.

What I Am Currently Attempting: So far, I am currently trying to work around this issue by individually taking each part such as the manifest.json file and the .dlll files and placing it into the mods folder rather than the whole folder itself then creating a whole new folder to house them. That seems to be working in terms of placing it into the mods folder itself, but I believing this is a very silly solution that might mess some things up potentially so please let me know.

What I Tried To Do: Restart computer for now.


Not a Mac user but that sounds like an error in user rights. Is your Mod folder for some reason Read-only or having only Root access? Can you see (and edit) the folder properties?


Hello! Thanks for responding to me :) I'm looking over the sharing and permissions section and it says the following:
- My User (Read & Write)
- staff (Read Only)
- everyone (Read Only)
I can change these out for the following:
- Read and Write
- Read Only
- Write Only (Dropbox)

In terms of the mods I downloaded, I tried going to their folders and checking to see if they are all marked to read and write, and a few of the ones I saw were on read and write. Adding in each individual part into the mods folder is working in terms of working around this issue of being unable to put those files into the folder as a whole folder, but I want to correct this problem as much as I can. I'm also having additional issues with stardew not opening up because my terminal won't allow it to open since its opening the SMAPI command (granted I don't have any mods to open to begin with). Trying to focus on one issue at a time haha...
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Hmmm. Possibly the mods themselves (the folders they are in) are not owned by you for some reason. (Dunno why, as I'd suppose that they are unzipped so that you are the owner).
Hmmm(2). You said Extended? I had problems with it (a Linux player), just because the permissions were broken. I had to unzip them with Root access (which should not be used for other than actual system operations, definitely not with games!), and then tediously change the ownership of each and every file (my report of that resulted only in a rude comment from an outsider who had no cue). I suspected some kind of MS Bullyware used, as SVE is the only mod I've had that type of problems.


Hello! Does me having a .dlll file matter at all to my success at moving my mods to my mods folder? I've read that for some reason that its a Windows thing, and if that's the cause, is there a workaround for this? As in, am I downloading the wrong things and I just had to download a mac specific thing?

In regards to the Bullyware you mentioned, how do I know if this is the case? Thank you again for taking the time to help me figure this out! :) Its very much appreciated.

Also tried messing with the privileges but for some reason its still not letting me move whole files into the mods folder.


I found that adding each individual part into the mods folder instead the whole folder (although tedious) worked out for me. I'm genuinely thankful for the help regardless because it helped me out with the stress and having this work, and I hope you have a wonderful day :3


That "Bullyware" comment was just a wild guess. As I've encountered silly problems e.g. between Libre Office and MS Word, looking like intentional incompatibility.
But also file permission prioblems with SVE (I'm not touching it any more; did not like it much -- that is a matter of taste -- and I will not waste my time testing compatibilities with my own mods if just installing the mod is a hassle). But if you have someone computer-savvy available (who can look at your -puter), ask about file and folder permissions, there may be a setting that's wrong.