Switch End of day game crash?


Switch Version 1.6 single-player.

Error received 3 times (3 day resets in a row)

The first two tries were near identical runs. The third run i changed things up a little bit, but still crashed.

Day 18 spring year 3

Married to Emily, 14 hearts.

First and second day- woke up, Emily gave me a coffee/geode. Gave her a ruby. Changed my outfit. Used both my blessing shrines. Got infinite energy buff and ladder buff. Let my animals out.

Built beach obelisk. Went to Lewis' house to divorce Emily. Gave pam her birthday gift of mead. Went to the dangerous mines for grub grinding. Got into bed around 12:10-12:20. First day in my own bed, second day with Emily in bed.

Day was not saved due to game error, "The Software was closed because an error occurred”.

Game day three i went to ginger island first, gave Leo a gift, went home, let my animals out, went to lewis' to divorce Emily, built the beach obelisk, went mining for the rest of my day. Went home, went to bed, same crash.

When reloading the game, only going out to bin the 6 salmonberries I still had in my pack, and going to bed, it proceeded to the end of day sold screen without any hassle. I kinda want to keep trying and see how far I can isolate the crash causers? Because it happened 3 times in a row, it can't be just a coincidence, right?

Maybe it has to do with building the obelisk and also trying to divorce Emily on the same day? Has anyone else had anything like this happen?