Editing already modded map for personal use


Hi there
I need someone to guide me on this process since I'm fairly clueless on making my own mod. Tho I just want to make several tweaks on a modded map to make the map more ideal for me. I've already make those tweaks and tried my version of the modded map but I've come across some errors:
- Can't add seasonal change
- Pond and any water body seems to be missing parts of it
- Building (greenhouse/shed) is no where to be found

As of now I'm at an impasse and I need someone to give me a step-by-step on how to solve this.
The modded map in question is Lnh's super farm
This is by far the best modded map for me but I just need to adjust something.
Hope someone can help me 🙏🏻



I almost edited every vanilla map and also made quite a lot of farm maps (either I modified an existing modded farm map like you or created a new one completely from scratch), because I like farms maps with panorama, a beach and more space. I also prefer adding custom farms rather than replacing vanilla farm maps.
(And I'm really picky and I can't stand it when maps have drawing errors and have to correct them ... even if it's just one singe tile ... yes, I know ...).

What did you change? For changes at the map itself like moving a pond, the easiest way will be to just edit the map.tmx with tiled and replace the old version with your new version.
(You don't have to make a complete new mod, because it's just for you.)

Lnh's super farm mod is replacing the vanilla farm maps, so if you already started a new save with this farm and you play f. e. on the Meadowlands Farm, you need to replace Lnh's version (SuperFarm_MeadowlandsFarm.tmx) with your new modded version in the assets/Farmtype folder of Lnh's mod. The name must remain the same, otherwise it won't work
If you want to start a new save and haven't decided yet which farm type to choose, you need modded versions for all eight files in the assets/Farmtype folder.
It also has more tilesets than a vanilla map and also additional custom locations, not the easiest mod to edit when you do it the first time.

Did the season not change at all or just some tiles not? Because you don't have to 'add' seasonal change, the game will change the seasonal tile sheets. Do you put the pngs for all seasons together with the tmx-file in the same folder when editing the map or just the spring tile sheets?

What kind of parts of the water body are missing? Tiles from the vanilla tile sheets or from the DaisyNiko's Tilesheets mod? Did you put this mod as a dependency in your manifest? Did you forget to put some tile sheets pngs (vanilla or DaisyNiko) for all ten tilesets in your folder? Was there a warning when editing the tmx-file with tiled or red crosses on your map?

Did you try to change to coordinates for the greenhouse? Do you have the GreenhouseLocation with coodinates under Custom Properties at all? On an existing save the greenhouse isn't moving when you change the coordinates, because the coordinates are saved in your save, so you should leave the greenhouse in the original spot and move it via Robin. It will of course work with a new save.

Is the outside of the custom shed building gone or can't you enter the building? Did you move or remove it when you edit the map? This is not a shed you can build, it's there from the beginning because it's drawn on the map. You can also not move this shed via Robin.

It will be easier to see the errors, perhaps you can post a picture? Or if you like, you can send me your tmx-file and and I will have a look and see it I can find what's wrong and explain how to fix it.

I hope I was still able to help you a little.



I almost edited every vanilla map and also made quite a lot of farm maps (either I modified an existing modded farm map like you or created a new one completely from scratch), because I like farms maps with panorama, a beach and more space. I also prefer adding custom farms rather than replacing vanilla farm maps.
(And I'm really picky and I can't stand it when maps have drawing errors and have to correct them ... even if it's just one singe tile ... yes, I know ...).

What did you change? For changes at the map itself like moving a pond, the easiest way will be to just edit the map.tmx with tiled and replace the old version with your new version.
(You don't have to make a complete new mod, because it's just for you.)

Lnh's super farm mod is replacing the vanilla farm maps, so if you already started a new save with this farm and you play f. e. on the Meadowlands Farm, you need to replace Lnh's version (SuperFarm_MeadowlandsFarm.tmx) with your new modded version in the assets/Farmtype folder of Lnh's mod. The name must remain the same, otherwise it won't work
If you want to start a new save and haven't decided yet which farm type to choose, you need modded versions for all eight files in the assets/Farmtype folder.
It also has more tilesets than a vanilla map and also additional custom locations, not the easiest mod to edit when you do it the first time.

Did the season not change at all or just some tiles not? Because you don't have to 'add' seasonal change, the game will change the seasonal tile sheets. Do you put the pngs for all seasons together with the tmx-file in the same folder when editing the map or just the spring tile sheets?

What kind of parts of the water body are missing? Tiles from the vanilla tile sheets or from the DaisyNiko's Tilesheets mod? Did you put this mod as a dependency in your manifest? Did you forget to put some tile sheets pngs (vanilla or DaisyNiko) for all ten tilesets in your folder? Was there a warning when editing the tmx-file with tiled or red crosses on your map?

Did you try to change to coordinates for the greenhouse? Do you have the GreenhouseLocation with coodinates under Custom Properties at all? On an existing save the greenhouse isn't moving when you change the coordinates, because the coordinates are saved in your save, so you should leave the greenhouse in the original spot and move it via Robin. It will of course work with a new save.

Is the outside of the custom shed building gone or can't you enter the building? Did you move or remove it when you edit the map? This is not a shed you can build, it's there from the beginning because it's drawn on the map. You can also not move this shed via Robin.

It will be easier to see the errors, perhaps you can post a picture? Or if you like, you can send me your tmx-file and and I will have a look and see it I can find what's wrong and explain how to fix it.

I hope I was still able to help you a little.

Hi! Thanks for your reply

First of all I want to explain that the thing about the ponds are that I can't see the bottom of it. It's like there's a missing layer of the bottom of ponds on the edited version.

About the seasonal change, I got an error for that that said seasonal change can't be applied. Everything stuck in spring even tho it's winter

No green house, no shed

I don't tweak anything in the code and I've make sure that every tilesheet needed is present and in order.

I don't have my laptop with me rn but I can send my errorlog later or even better I can send you my edited version of the map

Note: I can relate so much to the perfectionists aspect :v


If you send me your edited version, I will have a look and see what I can find. I already downloaded the mod and had a look at the map. Wow, that's a huge farm ...
Do you play with a recolor mod?
Btw you mean the ponds of the map and not the buildings, right? Everything was fine on the original map?
Do you play with a recolor mod? If yes, which one do you use?


If you send me your edited version, I will have a look and see what I can find. I already downloaded the mod and had a look at the map. Wow, that's a huge farm ...
Do you play with a recolor mod?
Btw you mean the ponds of the map and not the buildings, right? Everything was fine on the original map?
Do you play with a recolor mod? If yes, which one do you use?
I use DNEarthy recolor

Yes everything in the original map is fine

But after I edited it and load it the greenhouse and shed disappear as well as the bottom of the ponds
I just find out i don't know how to send the files here