East Scarp is driving me nuts!


I love Stardew valley Expanded and Ridgeside Village a lot. So much to do and even though long and tedious at times still the goals are pretty straight forward and you can know what to do and if not the wikis and you tube videos do help. East Scarp on the other hand has so much confusion, conditions and is a jumbled mess in my opinion. It looks really cool but it’s way too frustrating to enjoy the characters and mysteries it holds cause I can’t figure out how to unlock them . Their wiki is no help at all, it just says see previous event and never tells you what to do to best see said events. I don’t want to give it up cause it’s pretty and holds so much potential but everything is so under lock and key and even you tube videos and such aren’t much help cause there are so few and way more on SDVE and Ridgeside. I guess I will have to just uninstall it all (each character has to be downloaded and installed individually which is frustrating enough.). Am I missing a good guide besides that no help east scarp wiki thing or do others struggle with this mod as much as me. The designer did a good job and you feel the love and hard work they put into making it but everything is so vague and hidden under lock and key that it’s no longer enjoyable but I want to be able to if that makes since.