Dynamic rain probability


My most recent save had absolutely no rain during Fall, Year 1. Not a single drop. And this is important when it comes to viewing heart events and catching certain fish, who require rain. The statistics show that there's a mere 14% chance of a subsequent day having rain, which is alarmingly low (shouldn't the chance be greater since Fall is cooler than Summer?). Rain totems aren't exactly an option at this point in the game unless you somehow get enough money to buy the top-tier barns and a pig, you may as well be selling your kidneys.

If the idea of rain totems using a different, more affordable material is out of the question, why not change the chances of rain to happen to increase the longer the game has gone on without any rain happening over time, until it does eventually rain? It would reasonably line up with realistic weather patterns, real-life droughts be damned.


Take a look at the bug report section, I think several people reported unusually dry weather since the 1.6 release.


Good to know I'm not going insane, but bad in that I'll have to wait for a bug fix before I start my new save again. I'd still like some reassurance that I'd face rain at least once in a given season though without using rain totems. And on the flip side, making it so that it never rains on Elliot's birthday given that he spends rainy days inside his cabin, which you can't access unless you already have two hearts with him.