1.6 Update Does this book increase the 1 in 500 chance of find the trash catalogue?


So if anybody could help me understand this it would be appreciated! I'm still not sure if reading this book and getting its power affects you finding the trash catalogue any easier. Any thoughts?

The first reading grants the player a power that increases their chance to find items in Garbage Cans by 20%

So does the mean it boosts the .02% chance of finding the trash catalogue?

From my understanding the .02% chance would NOT be affected with this book? I need help

Ex: 60% chance of finding an item in a trash can. 40% you find nothing. This book would only increase that chance??? But not the chance for the trash catalogue?



Local Legend
The easiest way to think about it is like this (boiled down to simplest terms):

When you open the trash can, you have a chance to get an item, or a chance to get nothing. If you get nothing, that's it, it's just nothing. If you get something, you will then get one of the items in the pool of items that can be gotten from that garbage can.
While the alleyway buffet doesn't directly influence the chance of getting the trash catalogue, it does affect that first chance to get something vs nothing. And therefore will affect the overall chance to get the trash catalogue by an average of ~20% (the way daily luck influences trash loot may affect this value somewhat depending on the way it's applied, certain items have additional boosts to replace items also based on daily luck).


The easiest way to think about it is like this (boiled down to simplest terms):

When you open the trash can, you have a chance to get an item, or a chance to get nothing. If you get nothing, that's it, it's just nothing. If you get something, you will then get one of the items in the pool of items that can be gotten from that garbage can.
While the alleyway buffet doesn't directly influence the chance of getting the trash catalogue, it does affect that first chance to get something vs nothing. And therefore will affect the overall chance to get the trash catalogue by an average of ~20% (the way daily luck influences trash loot may affect this value somewhat depending on the way it's applied, certain items have additional boosts to replace items also based on daily luck).
Ok thank you for the help!