Does anyone here play or know of Baldur's gate?


I have the game, just recently got it. I was just wondering who else plays it. If you do play it, would you mind telling me what your character's class and race is?


I played Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 back when they were released. And Dungeons & Dragons as a pen & paper game. Haven't played BG 3 yet, but since they didnt change the rules and mechanics, I usually played as a human thief or paladin.


I've been playing BG I and II (I don't have a -puter that would run III properly). My character is usually cleric and erm -- now I don't remember -- half-elf?
(BTW my nick is from my BG character)


I was a fan of the setting and had bought the old originals of 1 and 2, back in the day, the full box retail versions with expansion(s) and whatnot! Although, i was always afraid of the time you needed to go through all content thorougly. Few years ago only, i managed to beat those games, through and through.

When they were featured on GOG, i also bought their digital copy, happy to discover they would run in modern systems and being in a better state than the old retail ones.

Their "remastered" versions spooked and disgusted me, to the point i rallied with certain #s, like "Beamdog is the parasites of gaming" etc, in both Steam and Gog. Post that travesty, i never touched anything in the series and i don't plan to. Been hearing lots of good things on BG3, yet i will still refrain from acquiring it. Although it isn't a pile of... disgusting mess, like Beamdog's pieces of work, it still troubles me and would like to avoid. But even gameplay wise too, i prefer the old isometric style, 3d never clicked right with me on this type of games (didn't like Dragon Age Origins either). Besides, they haven't completed it yet, new content is still planned and keeps arriving; i usually buy complete packages of a game and want the full experience, at all times...

Maybe in the future, when it is complete? And it gets a large discount, or something. For me, long bygone is the era, that i sought after games at or near release. Lots of missteps from the folly of youth, as well as haste, in the past.