Does anyone else play without the music turned on?


It seems lots of people like to play Stardew with the music on. I feel like a minority in this but I prefer the nature sounds and listening to the chopping of woods, breaking stones, etc. I keep the music off, just not into it. Does anyone play with the music off too?


I don't do that, I like the music of SDV. Meanwhile I I'm always turn off the background sounds when I'm mining in Minecraft, that's sounds horrible!


It depends for me. Whenever I feel like listening to my audiobooks while playing, I'll turn it off and listen to those instead. Otherwise, I have my jukebox playing one of Sam's song (I forgot the title) inside the farm and the regular soundtracks outside of it.

Old Man Tab

It seems lots of people like to play Stardew with the music on. I feel like a minority in this but I prefer the nature sounds and listening to the chopping of woods, breaking stones, etc. I keep the music off, just not into it. Does anyone play with the music off too?
The music is off when i play Stardew Valley

Its much more better


Game soundtrack has always been one of the most important part of a video game for me. This is especially true for game that I really appreciate, like Stardew Valley. Therefore, I play with music on most of the time and this is even mandatory when playing in Autumn or Winter.

Like @Maher, I'm not fan of the Summer soundtrack (at least two of the themes), so I might consider disabling music for those.
I really enjoy the soundtrack, so this never even occurred to me. Still. You've got me curious now. I'll have to pick a music-free year for either my current farm, or a next playthrough, just to see what the ambiance is like without it.
Generally I love the music of SDV and thus I always play with it on. The one exception is when playing Junimo Cart. In order to not get tilted I personally find it super helpful to have the game muted and listen to something chill in the background.


As a new player one thing noticed is the lack of music while walking around exploring. Am I missing something? My music volume is all the way up.


As a new player one thing noticed is the lack of music while walking around exploring. Am I missing something? My music volume is all the way up.
This is because the music is played depending on day time and location.
Except on rainy/stormy days, ambient music is played as soon as the farmer wakes up. The whole music piece is played, then it stops. If the farmer moves to a ambient music enabled area before 12pm, the ambient music will start again. Example: the music is stopped at 9am, the farmer walk to the Backwoods: the same music starts again. If the music stops at 11:40am and the farmer moves back to the farm: the music will start again. If the farmer does so after 12pm, the music won't start.

There are exceptions, like the Beach for example, where the ambient music is a specific ambient sound (waves sound): music is never played there.

If you use jukebox in some buildings, you can force ambient music to start again (at least on the farm) even after 12pm. I don't know if this is intended.

Once night falls (time varies from one season to another) ambient music will stop whatever happen. It will be replaced by night sounds.

In a nutshell, if you start exploring after 12pm (which is often the case when there are many things to do on the farm), you will not hear ambient music.
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Generally I love the music of SDV and thus I always play with it on. The one exception is when playing Junimo Cart. In order to not get tilted I personally find it super helpful to have the game muted and listen to something chill in the background.
So I'm part of a probably even less common subset: I leave the music off because I love it. When it's off, I can do an (in-game) day and then stop; when it's on, I will find myself playing for years (in-game) at a time. The music is part of the addiction. I can stop any time I want, but it's easier when the music is off.


I don't do that, I like the music of SDV. Meanwhile I I'm always turn off the background sounds when I'm mining in Minecraft, that's sounds horrible!
I didn’t say the music was bad, I just prefer the other. I’m not a huge music listener irl either.


I never play music in Stardew or any other game, I put on my headphones and crank up my own heavy metal play lists. All gaming music sounds like boring repetitive elevator music to me.


Local Legend
Sometimes I will, I do a lot of very grindy activities and oftentimes watch shows, movies, or youtube in the background.

The music is some of my favourite but if you're doing something like going in and out of buildings, constantly reloading saves, or sleeping every 10 seconds it sort of just keeps repeating and can drive you a little mad


Local Legend
All kinds of responses, quite cool to see. Sometimes I pick which game to play based on which music I feel like listening to. So I personally never turn the music off, although I always tweak the volume lower than the bunny snuffle noises.


Don't get me wrong, I love the SDV soundtrack, it's pure cosiness to the ears and the tracks are all so well made. It's just that I've listened to it so often that it has gotten a bit too repetitive for me. I currently prefer to listen to other musics in the background whilst I play, just for a change. That helps me to keep enjoying the game for longer, which I see as a win.


Sometimes I will, I do a lot of very grindy activities and oftentimes watch shows, movies, or youtube in the background.

The music is some of my favourite but if you're doing something like going in and out of buildings, constantly reloading saves, or sleeping every 10 seconds it sort of just keeps repeating and can drive you a little mad
Or maybe it’s the grinding, min/maxing that’s driving you mad.😉😋🤗