Do your farmers ever surprise you?


My first farmer is basically me, except small, pixelated, and living in a place where killing slimes is all in a day’s work. No surprises there.

But my second one is not-me. She’s kind of antisocial and aggro so guess who one of her favorite NPCs is?

Penny. I think she likes Penny’s work ethic and sincerity.

And she turns out to be more interested in clothes than I expected, but that sort of makes sense for not-me.

Do your farmers take you in unexpected directions?
Hm, I love this idea!
I do have a farmer on my dad’s farm who is much more country like than I am and loves wacky decorations. She also likes Harvey, which is suprising because I generally prefer women.

Lenora Rose

I've only played two farmers for more than a year so far (I started a third then decided I wanted to play him with different mods) and the first one was similarly "me but in that universe". My second one was intentionally less me, but really didn't contain a lot of surprise... she started as a total trash panda (as in digging in the trash and not entirely caring if it happened in front of someone) but got more social as her farm prospered and sort of had that arc. Still a total goth, though. The third one that I started was definitely full of opinions, but I didn't run it long enough to be really surprised. The biggest "issue" I had was that he wanted to be celibate, when, as far as I can tell, getting a new farmer is partly a way to romance new people without using the divorce option. (I thought "This means no new ten heart events", then discovered that there's a platonic mod... which is one reason I wanted to start him over later, though not the only one.)