Do you make your own oil?

Do you use Oil Maker to craft regular Oil?

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Aside from a few cooking recipes, I barely never use Oil and Pierre's is my first (and only) option to get some, especially given its low price. By the time I have access to the kitchen, money to buy a few bottles of oil is no longer an issue.

Therefore, I'm wondering if some people here use the oil maker and sunflower seeds, sunflowers or corns to make oil? And if so, for which reason and purpose?

Lew Zealand

I have Corn laying around pretty often so if I need to make a recipe, I boot a Truffle out of the Oil Maker and pop in some Corn. If Pierre would open up a Starbucks-sized mini-Pierre's in one of my Sheds on the Farm, maybe I'd buy stuff from him, but right now he's located like 3 screens away and the risk of bumping into Pam is too great.
My oil makers are running through truffles pretty much 24/7, and I haven't had the hardwood (nor inclination to farm it for that purpose) to make more of them despite a truffle backlog forming. As such though I have plenty of Sunflower Seeds I doubt I'll be crafting oil at any point in the near future. The cost savings just aren't high enough to justify it, given that I'd be giving up thousands worth of truffle oil to get 200 worth of oil. The thing that might be worth it is using sunflowers themselves, before this post I'd never noticed they have just a 1 hour processing time. Even then, the cost might just be too low for that to be worth it to me. I definitely appreciate the topic though, I hadn't given it much thought before and had bulk purchased oil from Pierre pretty much by default, so it's good to actually weigh the cost and benefit and properly assess!


I do it for roleplay. I mean, I have a kitchen, I'm gonna need oil, flour, sugar. Why buy them if I have a perfectly fine, home-bred source of all of these?

I wish I could make butter, and making vinegar should be as easy as letting some wine spoil ;) Artisan vinegars sell for quite a coin, and apple vinegar is just tastier than any other kind.

At the stage I'm at (finally done with all quests, no longer needing Grandpa's approval, and even my cows like me), I just keep stocking my pantry up to rafters with tasty foods.

Lew Zealand

My oil makers are running through truffles pretty much 24/7, and I haven't had the hardwood (nor inclination to farm it for that purpose) to make more of them despite a truffle backlog forming.
This is what Winter is for, I purposefully don't have enough Truffle Makers and accumulate Truffles during the year so I can continue to process them in the Winter for some additional g. Maybe not worth the effort but I'm always passing by the Makers anyway so it's easy to harvest and place a new set of 4 with little time taken.
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I only use 11 oil total so it's just easier to buy once and be done with it. I usually like to have a mill field where I grow some crops just for decoration (that I plop in the mill) but I just don't have a use for oil and I'd rather not take up inventory space keeping some on hand--that and there's nothing pretty about oil makers. :p


I usually just buy it, but then I don't do much cooking, especially now that I can trade for spicy eel and coffee at the desert trader. The one exception is that on my main farm I keep enough supplies to cook Leah a poppyseed muffin every morning for breakfast, but even then I just buy the wheat because it feels easier than keeping track of how much wheat I need to turn into flour, and also I believe it's more profitable to turn the wheat into beer.

EDIT: same with the beets/sugar, I also buy those. But those are kinda different than oil, which might be worth it money-wise. Still doesn't seem worth the effort when I can just buy a few from Pierre that I'm never going to use anyways.


I haven't yet but I will be. I think I've cooked maybe half a dozen recipes. But eventually I'm going to get crazy on the cooking since I KNOW all of the recipes. So eventually I'll be making some oil for those that need it.


After 6 years on my beach farm, plenty of oil washed ashore for my minimal cooking needs. Love to see those boxes resting in the sand.

But make oil? Only as a last resort and definitely never truffle oil. Lewis has ruined it for me. I picture him wearing nothing but his “lucky” (shudder) purple shorts and his cap, standing in Marnie’s bedroom, holding my super slick (gag) truffle oil. Marnie could do so much better. Nope, no oil for me.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need a drink and a shower.


I make my own wheat, oil, and sugar. I'd make my own vinegar too, if we could.
Same here. This playthrough I'm really concentrating on making everything. All the oils, sugar, wheat, pickling and rice. Sunflower oil, sunflower seed oil, corn oil and truffle oil. ....that I DON'T share with Lewis. lol There's something so satisfying about having a little machine that turns flowers into oil for you. :) I'm from Montana, so I have a yearning for growing fields of canola to turn into oil.


Thanks everyone for you answers. That's very interesting. From what I understand from all your feedbacks, there are basically three main categories (order by decreasing occurrence) :

1- Farmers that don't craft their own oil
2- Farmers that only craft their oil when in (dire) need
3- Farmers that often craft oil for fun or role play purpose

For my part, I belong for the first category, but I think that at least for one of my farmers, I will craft my own oil for role play : she is a forager and only make money from forage items or artisan goods from foraged items or season fruits. Thus, it would make sense to also craft her own oil in summer/fall and use it in her cooking production.