do I need to plant all crops in every season?


so uh.. I'm still new to the game and I was wondering if you really need to buy all the crops that is available or just plant the most profitable one in large quantities? ;;) (besides some corps that are needed for community center bundle). I'm currently still in late summer year 1 and watering all of my crops I bought from Pierre is really one hell of a work because I have yet reaching farming lv. 6 to craft quality sprinkler (still at. lv 5) and it feels like some crops don't give me a return that's worth the hard work I put in. I wonder how can I make big profit in early year from farming. my current funds rn are mostly comes from fishing but there's no way I just keep fishing all the time to make money, am I? 😓 this is a farming game after all.

thanks in advance
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Lew Zealand

Hi Kuronaive and Welcome to the Forums! You don't need to plant every crop for every season however a range of crops are needed to complete Bundles for the Community Center Rooms if you're trying to finish those. Also, a villager might request almost anything including crops on the Help Wanted board so if you're interested in doing those jobs for the extra g and relationship :heart: then having one or 2 of each thing is nice.

Buuuut I usually skip doing this for Spring Year 1 as I really don't have the g to spare on "extra" crops not for the Community Center and frankly I usually skip anything I don't need in Summer Y1, too and just plant the things that get the most return: Cauliflower and Melons or Blueberries.