Windows deleted farmhands keeping quests open bug - Specific Qi Quests are Active, but they're not


Windows 10
Solo and multiplayer

On my year 15 farm, I haven't had a mining related Qi quest in years, and I've been frequently checking in the Walnut Room.

Here's a forum where other players are also experiencing this problem.

My theory is, the game thinks these quests are still active, which is why they're not appearing in the Walnut Room anymore. I came to this conclusion when I was looking through Blade's Map Predictor. There's a screenshot attached, and my farm save attached. No mods have ever been used on the farm. I've verified this bug with another farm save.

there are entries in "participantsIDs", which I assume are the farmhands ids. It appears this collection is used to hold the ids of players that have yet to complete the quest. My hypothesis is that if a farmer is not online when the quest is done, they aren't removed from the collection, so it hangs around and prevents it from spawning again

Looking forward to a patch, as this has been fustrating me for a while. The mining related Qi quests is the best way to get lots of Qi Gems.


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