Art Help Custom NPC needing Sprite & Portrait


Hey y'all I have been working on a custom NPC that brings a character from Resident Evil into SDV. The thing is, I have been working on his portrait and sprite for 4 months and I can't figure out how to draw him. I have used templates, I have tried to pixelate a photo of him and drawing over him, I have tried following tutorials but none of it looks good, I am doing him a dishonor by drawing him so poorly. I severely lack in the pixel art department. And while right now he is just for personal use, I might be putting him on Nexus. Of course, if I do, you will get credit for his portrait and sprite.

That going to say, I am willing to do more than give you credit for his portrait and sprite. I am actually willing to pay. Right now he's using a slightly altered Harvey sprite and just a regular photo of him from the game.