Custom Expansion (work in progress) - Joja Mart alternative play mode

***This was also posted to Board Game Geek***

Welcome to the new Joja Mart mode! Now you can get a membership at the Joja Mart (will cost you 2 of your 3 starting gold, oof) and it completely removes the option to donate and fix up the community center. It turns the community center location into a "Joja Warehouse." You now have new objective cards to replace the bundle cards - you now just pay large amounts of gold to unlock them as "community development projects."

So, my idea with this game mode for the board game is that when you open your copy of the game it gives you a choice - do you want to get a Joja Mart membership (Join us. Thrive.) or do you want to fix up the Community Center (become a local legend!). The Joja Mart mode will have a few new tiles to utilize to replace the community center with a "Joja Mart Warehouse" location. It will not use any of the negative Joja Mart location block tiles and I will either need to plan on removing certain season cards completely or ignore any icons on the season cards during this new mode. I'm hoping that it's going to be possibly "easier" to play through the Joja Mart mode, utilizing mainly gold to unlock everything, and getting good epic item cards to make the game gradually easier, but starting out maybe a little difficult. But overall - a different way to play that might be easier than the normal version of the game. I'm trying to find ways to make sure it's balanced depending on playtesting. You'll still have your grandpa goals to achieve, but now you'll have 6 new cards that need to be purchased with gold and immediately receive a good bonus that all players can share. The new goals will already be flipped and not required to use hearts to be revealed. So like I mentioned earlier, you'll start the game losing 2 of your 3 gold to pay for your membership so that you feel a sense of dread when you start - and it's a bit of an uphill battle from there. However, all the project unlocks should be very meaningful and helpful to the players to finish the game easily and quickly. Hoping to balance this to where you play 12 rounds instead of 16 - 3 per season. I'm open to suggestions especially on the last 2 unlocks. Let me know what you think! :)

Community Development Projects from left to right:

1) Minecart - 5 gold per player
- Unlocks Minecart epic item card: "Instead of moving during turn, players may jump to any space (no Forgeables or Wood collected)."
(Should help players move around easier in the game)

2) Panning / Remove Boulder - 6 gold per player
- Unlocks Copper Pan epic item card: "When you fish, may first gain 1 Ore or Geode of a type available in the mine."
(Should help players get ore easier / faster to upgrade tools)

3) Bridge to Quarry - 7 gold per player
- Unlocks Crystalarium epic item card: "Gift: Gain Gold equal to 2x the value of the Mineral on this card. (Card holds 1 Mineral, placed during Planning Phase).
(Should help players get money faster)

4) Greenhouse - 8 gold per player
- Unlocks Greenhouse epic item card: "May plant crops from any season; place crops Quality side up. Counts toward "Expand the Farm" goal."
(This should help players get money faster, can plant crops in winter and ignore crows too?)

5) Bus to Desert - 9 gold per player
- Unlocks Statue of Endless Fortune epic item card: "Gift: Gain 5 Gold."
(not sure if I like this one - not sure what else to use - open to suggestions - maybe a new card?)

< at this point in the video game you've helped Joja Mart renovate the entire community through your financial donations, but there's one last big push ... >

6) Movie Theater - 12 gold per player
- Completes all 6 new community development projects - Joja cola card reward (big whoop haha) - you can flip the new location tile that replaced the community center, and on the flipside of "Joja Mart Warehouse" it now becomes the Movie Theater location. At this new location, you can now pick 3 villager cards, and choose which one to befriend (if you can).
(Also not sure if I like this one either - open to suggestions - but this should help with the "make a friend per player" grandpa goal).

Joja Mart.png