I hope I’m doing this close enough to the guidelines, and given I’m on mobile I can’t upload the save game to my knowledge. I apologize if these have been frequently reported. Last time I reported glitches on the forum it did it too a master thread, but I can’t find it. I’m not a regular on this forum and I’m unlikely to check in, but here are the glitches I’ve found for 1.6 on iOS
- swapping between saves (“go to previous save” causes crash)
- Cows and other large livestock do not respond to petting consistently.
- Everything being moved back has displaced the stable next to the house, and it’s shadow
- Certain buildings cannot be demolished such as the well.
- Stable disappears when you try to move it to align with the house, along with horse within it.
- Workbench interface does not display all the workbench items properly and some
- Freezes can occur between saves
- Cannot retrieve certain items from lost and found. Say I have 20 eggs in lost and found, one will remain and cannot be removed.