Crystal Cave Puzzle


I am finding this puzzle impossible. I am on an iPad and screen glare is making it impossible to record the music effectively. This is also taking too long. By the time I get a couple of tunes correct it is 10pm. The tunes just play too quickly.

A hint would be appreciate.

Lew Zealand

A number of people take a movie with their phone of the patterns and replay it slowly to pass the test. If you're interested in passing it without this rec/playback strategy, the Crystal Cave puzzle does go a little slower each time you play it so if you go there in the morning and just play a bunch, it may slow down enough for you to pass it. That's how I did it.


Local Legend
There are a few methods you can use:
1. fail enough times and it progressively slows down
2. screen record or record on a phone
3. draw the 5 crystals on a piece of paper and draw a line in the order for each step. This is the one I would recommend because then you don't have to spend an eternity failing or juggling another device/recording
4. skip it, on 1.6 you can buy walnuts
5. Since you're on mobile, you can also just create a save at the start or the day there, then if it gets too late, exit and reload the save right there. There isn't a reason to spend multiple days not getting it.
This is what works for me (I play with the sound off and I'm partially colorblind so this ignores both sound and colors):

I label the five crystals in my head (top right; low right; top left; low left; middle is what I do but you can use whatever works for you). Them I name them (again, in my head) once as they flash, a second time to recall the pttern, and again as the farmer hits them.

I suggested this to a friend who was struggling with the puzzle and it helped (she had previously been trying to use sound like she did with the old Simon game). She used the colors as labels and found it worked better for her if she said the patterns aloud.