Crash upon selecting saved game


Hello! I have problem with my save
When I select my save, I am thrown onto the game loading screen, and this can go on indefinitely. This makes me very upset because I don't want to lose this save :( I understand there's some kind of stupid mistake, but I don't understand how to fix it. I haven't edited the game files myself, but I have a lot of mods installed. Before the error occurred, I also did not edit the list of mods, did not update anything. I just played as usual, completed the flower dance event of the second year, and quit the game. After that, I can no longer log in to my save. Please help me solve the problem!

Platform: Windows 10
Game version: 1.6.3
SMAPI log:
Steps to reproduce: From the main menu I select "Load". It brings me to the saved game selection screen. I select my modded save, it briefly starts loading and then crashes. The game doesn't shut down or anything, it just restarts from the very beginning starting at the concernedape logo and heading back into the main menu screen.
Expected vs actual results: Trying to enter my saved game to play and it won't allow me to.