Crafted items tracking on iOS?


There suppose to be a way to check if you already crafted a particular item (for achievement) but I can’t seem to find it. I’m playing a mobile version on iPad. There is no new option under settings or anything like that. Can anyone help?


I try to keep one if everything that I get that way I know whether or not I did it. You could also do a checklist outside of game. If you're playing mobile. I have android so I'm not sure if it's on your ios or not but the app "tasks" is amazing for organizing anything in your life. It has sub categories checklist anything you could want.


I made a visual checklist for myself by taking screenshots from wiki and compiling them into one image. Now the hard thing is to remember to repeat any crafting if you went back to previous save :) . Note, no need to craft a wedding ring in iOS since we don’t have multiplayer version.


Here is the bigger image version on Imgur, if that works:
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