Question Content Patcher

What is content patcher and what does it do? Many mods require it but I have no idea what it does. I'm just a bit confused, please help! :blush:


This is from the description on Content Patcher's Nexus page, if you are wondering anything specific about it or need information about a particular thing or something just doesn't make sense, feel free to ask!

Content Patcher loads content packs that change the game's data, images, and maps without replacing XNB files. Content packs can make changes dynamically based on many in-game details like location, weather, date, festivals or events, spouse, relationships, whether you have a Joja membership, etc.

Unlike XNB mods, these content packs get automatic update checks and compatibility checks, are easy to install and uninstall, support localisation automatically, are less likely to conflict, and are less likely to break due to game updates.

This mod doesn't do anything on its own; you need to install content packs separately.
Basically, it's a tool that lets non-programmer modders make changes to the game's content without overwriting the game files. (The majority of mods available for download are content packs for Content Patcher, plus content packs for several other frameworks made by modders comfortable with programming.)