Android Combining objects


Hey! I have trouble trying to combine fishing rod and bait: in the inventory, when I drop the bait on the fishing rod, it switches places instead of combining. Is it a bug? Am I doing it wrong? Is there a way to fix it?
Thanks in advance for your answers!
(I'm French, I apologise if my English isn't perfect)


Do you have at least the fiberglass pole? You can't bait the bamboo pole.

Do you have your entire inventory open? You can't bait on the farm page.

Sometimes I have the same problem when everything is right, and it still doesn't work. Usually I just have to try a couple more times. Slowly usually works best.

Your English is perfect!
The same as loading ammo onto a slingshot. Open your inventory, touch and hold the bait. Drag it to the pole and hover above. Move it around a little, you can see when it catches. Then release and the bait should go onto the pole.

The 2 mistakes I made when learning were, trying to use my toolbar instead of properly opening my inventory. And trying to tap the bait to select it and then tap the pole. Neither of these are correct, open the inventory and drag the bait.