Cocoa Trees and Chocolate

I'm sure everyone would love to make the most beloved candy to ever grace human kind, so, here's my idea(s).

Since making chocolate is a somewhat long process with allot of things to be done to the cocoa beans before they can be made into actual chocolate, I have a few different ideas for this could work.

Cocoa Tree: 8,000g Buy from Sandy, produces bean pods in Summer

Cocoa Trees produce large bean pods filled with cocoa beans, a pod can contain anywhere from 20-60 beans.

Idea #1: Cocoa trees produce 3 bean pods every day, the pod itself will act as the "fruit" which can be processed. We use a new machine called a "chocolate machine" which will turn 3 bean pods into 1 bar of chocolate.

Idea #2: Cocoa trees produce 1 bean pod every day, the bean pod can be placed on the ground and broken with an axe, the pod can contain 3-6 cocoa beans. 3 cocoa beans can then be put into a chocolate machine to turn them into 1 bar of chocolate.

Idea #3: Cocoa trees produce 3 bean pods every day, the pod itself will act as the "fruit" which can be processed. The pods will be put into a new machine called a "bean grinder" which will turn the pod into cocoa powder which can be used to cook chocolate bars in the kitchen.

Idea #4 Cocoa trees produce 1 bean pod every day, the bean pod can be placed on the ground and broken with an axe, the pod can contain 3-6 cocoa beans. 2 beans can be placed into a "bean grinder" which will turn them into 1 cocoa powder and can be used to cook chocolate in the kitchen.

This one may be a bit tricky since we need to decide what chocolate should be classified as in the game if it were to be added. Should chocolate bars be an artisan good like cheese or wine and be made by using a single machine or should it be a cooking item and require all correct ingredients to make it like cocoa powder, milk and sugar?

What are your thoughts?


I would LOVE chocolate! Right now I'd rather have it as an artisan good? I mean, jam would technically need sugar but we still make it with only the fruit etc. And then have more complex chocolate products as cooking recipies?

Sort of related, I was actually quite sad I couldn't make some sort of nutella by putting hazelnuts in preserves jar, but maybe mixing hazelnuts and chocolate?


I like both #3 and #1 as possible ideas for implementing this, though #1 seems like it'd be "easier" to code, probably.
#3 would depend on how useful for cooking recipes cocoa powder and chocolate bars could be. Anyway, this sounds great (: