Clothing stands


Just a mannequin or scarecrow we can use to place our clothes on. Having prismatic clothes on all the time can be a flex but sometimes you just want to switch into something more casual. Hence the clothes stand that could show off our cool clothes or even just have a set of clothes for each day


Maybe you could get a tailor puppet +recipe from Emily after you make a certain amount of clothes? Say you have to tailor at least one bottom and five tops, than she comes to tell you 'I see you really enjoy tailoring, this will help you make better clothes'.

The recipe would be something like wood/hardwood, fiber, cloth and sap (best glue substitute I can think of).


Maybe you could get a tailor puppet +recipe from Emily after you make a certain amount of clothes? Say you have to tailor at least one bottom and five tops, than she comes to tell you 'I see you really enjoy tailoring, this will help you make better clothes'.

The recipe would be something like wood/hardwood, fiber, cloth and sap (best glue substitute I can think of).
oooh yes that would be cool


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@poinapel As Sunflower mentioned, please quote multiple people in a single reply in the future! You can just click reply on multiple comments.