Checklist for Shipping Bin List


I made this checklist on Google forms on the shipping bin list to help people track what they need to ship for the achievement/perfection. I randomly gave up on doing the prices for the traveling cart so my bad. With each update I'll update the list if there's any new items. Hope this helps :heart:. It should make you make a copy of the sheet to use it so it's kept for one person without confusion. It also has locations where each item is found. It's color coordinated color code: Pink: spring, Yellow: Summer, Orange: Fall, Light Blue: Winter, Gray: get anytime, purple: grows in two seasons. Ginger island crops like banana saplings and mango sapling including taro tuber typically grow in summer on the farm. The x/155 is just like a bug I tried coding it to the correct number but I couldn't the first sheet I did wouldn't let me scroll when I fixed the code just to let you know.

link to spreadsheet


Local Legend
That's nice! not everyone is familiar with the wiki page or in game collection tab and the additional information is always helpful for those pursuing it for the first time