Change the recipe of dehydrator.


Clay is rare in the beginning of game. But dehydrator is most useful in this stage. Changing clay to another item like bar may be better.


I feel that's a fair amount of clay for something so useful. You can hunt for clay by hoeing up dirt patches in the mines - the chance is slightly higher thn just digging outside. Even without going into the mines, I usually get enough clay to build a silo (10 pieces) within the first week of play.


It's just 2 peaces of clay. That's not hard to find imho.
And the Dehydrator is useful in the late game as well. Believe me! :junimo: :junicheer: :junimo: :junicheer:
I want to make 40 or more dehydrators for 256 blueberries in summer. That's 80 clays. I don't think I can get so much in the first spring.


Local Legend
I see these threads and remember when each keg included clay in its recipe and you had to craft them all one at a time because they didn't stack....

Now you have a machine that processes 35x faster than a keg for 2 clay, it's not that bad