Challenge mode?

I'm thinking of making an hard mode playthorugh for an extra challenge!
Rules and other stuff:
  • Only 1 coop and barn
  • Add a mod that adds all bundles to the community center
  • 25% profit margins
  • I unlock a pic upgrade every 40 lvls in the mine
  • No greenhouse
  • No farm cave
  • No using ginger island farm
  • No iridium sprinklers
  • No warp obelisks and only being able to use one warp totem a week
  • No enchants
  • No mass planting of ancient fruit or starfruit
  • No infinity weapons
  • No explosive ammo or mega bombs
Any other rues and or mods I should add?

Lew Zealand

Maybe add no Return Sceptre? I mean, that's sacrilege as this game is primarily a Return Sceptre speedrun sim with some Farming and junk tossed in for variety.

The only thing I think you might regret is 25% profit margin as it's additive with most of your other restrictions. You don't want this to seem punitive or you won't want to play and if the idea is to counterbalance g strategies that you've already optimized into boredom, then swinging the pendulum all the way to the other side might be too extreme of a change. Try 50%, it'll still be a pretty big change unless this is something you've done already in another playthrough.

I like the Pick upgrade limits, that's a great metric. In my current Y2 Winter playthrough, I'm doing most of those things already except:

100% Profit margins
All CC Bundles? (not sure what this means)
Have Cave
Have Greenhouse (but got late: Summer Y2 and have all of 5 Ancient Fruit plants in it)

My mass plantings are mostly outside the Greenhouse with all Quality Sprinklers. I've been mass planting seasonal seeds in the Greenhouse too but I'd just move that outside to get the same coverage. I like the seasonal Rhubarb, Melon/Starfruit, Pumpkin changes each season outside, I feel like I lose integration with the game if I'm not farming a decent patch of things outside.

I'm at Ginger and the Desert but no Obelisks and I pay for transportation, though I am using Warp Totems to get home so that would take some time adjustment. But then I'm working on getting the Return Sceptre (see above) so no spending on Obelisks or other 'spensive baubles.
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Maybe add no Return Sceptre? I mean, that's sacrilege as this game is primarily an Return Sceptre speedrun sim with some Farming and junk tossed in for variety.

The only thing I think you might regret is 25% profit margin as it's additive with most of your other restrictions. You don't want this to seem punitive or you won't want to play and if the idea is to counterbalance g strategies that you've already optimized into boredom, then swinging the pendulum all the way to the other side might be too extreme of a change. Try 50%, it'll still be a pretty big change unless this is something you've done already in another playthrough.
It's fine I'm a masochist


Local Legend
Seems fun though I’d remove the ones that hurt movement like the warping. You’ll unlock them so late because of the other challenges and it’ll just make the game more of a slog and not in a fun way, walking around constantly kinda sucks.

On the other hand though I’d say you can only upgradeany of your tools once you’ve gotten to the next “stage” of dungeoneering. So copper tools at the ice levels, iron at the gold levels, gold in skull cavern, and iridium only once you’ve done the volcano (or hardmode mines/sc)