iOS Can't read mail after moving farmhouse


  • I moved the farmhouse back one tile two tiles.
  • A day or so later, I got the 'new mail' icon above my mailbox, but was not able to interact with it or read the mail inside
  • Restart and reload from save didn't fix this
  • I tried moving the farmhouse back to its original position, but can't do so. The 'new mail' icon is registered as an 'obstacle' which means it can't be moved forwards
  • I can move the farmhouse to a clear area of the farm, but the 'new mail' icon doesn't move with it. Still can't read the mail in either the location of the mailbox or the location of the 'new mail' icon.
  • On one save file I couldn't move the farmhouse back to where it was, but reloading did allow this. However the mail issue remains.
  • I've managed to move the farmhouse back to its original location, but the 'new mail' icon is still floating in the air in the wrong place and can't be interacted with.
  • Unfortunately I tried going to sleep hoping it would fix the issue and it didn't, meaning I now can't restore to the previous day even if this would have helped - I suspect the thing I would really need to do is return to before the farmhouse was moved.
  • I can't upload my save file because it has doesn't have a permitted extension. I added a '.txt' to try to override that but then it's apparently too large.
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