PlayStation Cannot delete saves


Since 1.6 I've not been able to delete old saves. They keep popping back up once I exit out of the load game menu. It's not a massive problem but I'm very organised in how I like to have my saves and it's kind of annoying having a save still there that I don't use anymore/don't plan on using


this has been a problem for a while, the only way to purge your saves is to go to the PS storage and delete the file from there, but you can't choose what saves it wipes it will just wipe ALL saves. i hope they fix this in the next hotfix because it seem to affect all PS players

evergreen oak

Yeah, as bane said this is a known issue that was overlooked in the recent rushed holiday patch. It fixed a handful of the more serious problems, but there remain many issues to be patched out whenever they get to it