Can you please share with me the know-how?


On how exactly you change the gift at Feast of Winter Star (the one you receive)?

I know it has something to do with the time you enter the festival, but i do not know the specifics.

This year i always get Emeral from Caroline, if i enter town early. If i enter the town past 12:00pm, then i get a Jade. If i enter 10 minutes before the festival ends, i get a ruby. What exactly should i do, so as the possible gifts shuffle more, in order to get that Tea set?
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Caroline gave it to me at 1:30 pm. I became reassured and reset my day, hoping to finish some farmwork before joining the Festival... But even though she gives me the exact same gifts at other times, now the Tea set won't appear and instead, in its place, i get a Poppyseed Muffin!

If the item appears one, it doesn't appear again?


Caroline gave it to me at 1:30 pm. I became reassured and reset my day, hoping to finish some farmwork before joining the Festival... But even though she gives me the exact same gifts at other times, now the Tea set won't appear and instead, in its place, i get a Poppyseed Muffin!

If the item appears one, it doesn't appear again?
I belive it should appear again - perhaps you got the timing rong and went initially at 1:35 or 1:40?


If you quit the game completely and relaunch it, then some gifts at certain hours, change! After so much trial and error, i finally found my tea set! My collection nears completion this time; too bad i cannot transfer those items over at my main, big one, 8 years save... And a pic to celebrate on the occasion:

THANK YOU, EVERYBODY! I couldn't have done it without you! Your positive vibes gave me the energy to best the RNG (you see what i did there?)!!! :P


I was gifted a tea set in Y1 of my very first farm, way back in the early days of Stardew

Thought it was kinda meh, stuck it in a random chest and forgot about it. Opened the chest and stumbled across it again a few farm years later, still thought it was meh, and trashed it

Don't think I've seen it in any farm since, although I don't always bother with festivals these days
If you quit the game completely and relaunch it, then some gifts at certain hours, change! After so much trial and error, i finally found my tea set! My collection nears completion this time; too bad i cannot transfer those items over at my main, big one, 8 years save... And a pic to celebrate on the occasion:

THANK YOU, EVERYBODY! I couldn't have done it without you! Your positive vibes gave me the energy to best the RNG (you see what i did there?)!!! :P
I remember resetting at least 30 times to get the tea set on my main farm. Glad you went through with the grind, congrats!!


Local Legend
I'll give you a light breakdown on the mechanics of the way it works, though it's been absolutely ages since I did this myself so I'm going to keep it a bit vague as I'd rather not be disinforming anyone

It depends on the exact tile of the npc that's gifting you would be standing outside of the festival at the time of entering it or getting the gift from them (I don't remember though it's probably the former)

Some npcs move about a lot like alex, and therefore have a bunch of possibilities, sometimes it's absolutely impossible to get the gift but most of the time there is some combo to get it. Your npc has to be able to give the tea set in the first place though, you're never getting it from say, vincent as he can never gift the tea set.

Unless you're using a tool to track what tile the npc has to stand on to give what you want, all this info will help with is the resetting. If you know when an npc is standing on a certain tile, you just have to check that time. and if they stand still for like 6 hours, you know not to have to reset every 10 minute interval at that time.


I'll give you a light breakdown on the mechanics of the way it works, though it's been absolutely ages since I did this myself so I'm going to keep it a bit vague as I'd rather not be disinforming anyone

It depends on the exact tile of the npc that's gifting you would be standing outside of the festival at the time of entering it or getting the gift from them (I don't remember though it's probably the former)

Some npcs move about a lot like alex, and therefore have a bunch of possibilities, sometimes it's absolutely impossible to get the gift but most of the time there is some combo to get it. Your npc has to be able to give the tea set in the first place though, you're never getting it from say, vincent as he can never gift the tea set.

Unless you're using a tool to track what tile the npc has to stand on to give what you want, all this info will help with is the resetting. If you know when an npc is standing on a certain tile, you just have to check that time. and if they stand still for like 6 hours, you know not to have to reset every 10 minute interval at that time.
How many hours have you clocked to know these statistics and the statistics to about every single other event or thing in the world of Stardew? You are like having a second Stardew Wiki around! 😍


Local Legend
How many hours have you clocked to know these statistics and the statistics to about every single other event or thing in the world of Stardew? You are like having a second Stardew Wiki around! 😍
Ha! thanks so much, that really means a lot, I'm so glad to be able to help out

I mostly know these things from always spending time with/talking to people more knowledgeable than myself and trying to acknowledge my own areas of ignorance and ask questions about the stuff I don't know - even if I think it seems stupid that I don't know it
I think these are ideas that are applicable almost anywhere, though are pretty hard to actually put into practice, I definitely know I'm not always as humble in my pursuit for knowledge as I should be

As for hours... I'm not entirely sure, I've played the game for quite a few years over many devices and I've also spent a lot of time here, on the stardew discord servers, youtube, etc. which I think all contribute in some way too


Local Legend
What's the number then? I'm curious
Oh no idea, I've played on a bunch of devices and a couple steam accounts as well as offline and on older versions (so steam doesn't track hours)

Collectively playing just the game Id' say maybe 4-5k?

With everything else (reddit, youtube, making my own videos, discord, the forums, etc.) maybe 7k?

It could definitely be a bit less or even more though, in a couple years I may even reach 10k and would be none the wiser


Local Legend
I've never seen someone with more than 10,000 hours on stardew 🧐
I know a couple people with close to that, there's someone on steam who just replays the early game over and over and over in challenges and stardew is the only game they play and I think they said they have 8-9k hours which is wild

Steam says I have 2000 hours though I haven't played on steam in years, even in the last 6 months I've logged hundreds of uncountable hours on 1.5.6 by having saved the 1.5.6 exe file and launching from there (not a huge fan of 1.6)

I have a collective 1000 hours in mobile I think but the in game timer is usually a fair bit less than you actually play, it doesn't count any loads for example so my main save hours are way lower than they should be (and they reset when I transferred the file to mobile but that's another story)