PS4 Can’t Find Secret Note # 10


It’s year 4 winter, I have all of the secret notes except #10, cryptic note. I completed the mission to make it to level 25 of the skull cavern over 2 in game years ago… why won’t it drop?? I’ve opened countless giant crops in this time, been to the mines… I don’t understand, has this happened to anyone else??


Do you have the letter's that confirm that you completed the skull cavern quest? It should be in your collections if you did. Have you tried to get to to level 25 again? If all that's good I'd say take some bombs to skull cavern on a lucky day and go bomb crazy see if you can't find it that way. secret note 10 seems to be a problem a few people get honestly I don't think it's a bug but it might be. I just say try different things. Level 25 challenge is the trigger for it. Finding certain things like Notes, artifacts, walnuts ect can be finicky sometimes I say keep trying and it will pop up eventually. Best of luck with it:)