Can’t find gardening hoe!


Lost my gardening hoe in the mines after getting my health depleted. Except, I didn’t realize It until a couple of days later. Didn’t see it in the mail (there was one recent message I accidentally closed early—don’t know if that was the one), don’t have it in the fridge because I don’t have one, Lewis didn’t have it, and it wasn’t at the Adventurers’ Guild. What other options might there be? iOS 13.4.1, if relevant.


You can look in the menu tab, if there is a place for the letters, and then look into the last letters you receive to see if the hoe is there.
Here is a screenshot of where it is:


Aine, thank you. I went through the letters, but didn’t turn up anything. I am so confused/surprised. I just want to get it back because it’s winter and there are lots of yams and other roots that I’m missing out on! Not to mention that I really don’t want to start over …


Not sure about mobile versions, but on PC you can build a cabin and a new set of tools will be in the drawer.


Not sure about mobile versions, but on PC you can build a cabin and a new set of tools will be in the drawer.
No, you can't build a cabin in mobile because there isn't any multiplayer available. Otherwise, good idea.

To the OP, check you fridge and mini fridges, then if still can't find it, recheck all your chests again.