PC Bug when paying for the submarine ride at the Night Market

I was about to pay for the submarine ride, I pressed Y instead of clicking yes and it took away my 1000G without going down. I tested it once more to see if it was consistently happening and it did indeed happen again. It worked normally when I clicked yes with my mouse though. I can't record it and screenshots don't really show it, but I figured making this post is good enough.


I came here to report this exact same bug but IridiumParsnips69 beat me to it! I've become accustomed to pressing 'Y' to choose the top answer in several screens and tried it in the sub and it did exactly as reported. After losing 2000g and not descending, I used the mouse to choose 'Yes' successfully. I can confirm that I am not using any mods.


I came by to mention that I can reproduce this issue as well, in the current Windows version of the game.


Local Legend
Okay, so I just tested it... the behavior I saw? When I hit the "Y" key, it took my money... and nothing happened. Then I hit the "esc" key because I figured I'd confirmed what you were seeing... but then the sub started going down and I couldn't get off. I'd only spent 1000g. The issue is that the "Y" key doesn't close the menu so that the sub can begin moving.