Switch [BUG] Too many animals in my barn


Okay so i have two deluxe barns full of pigs each at full hearts. A couple in-game weeks ago i sold a pig as i put a ostrich egg in the incubator. Seemed to be an intuitive step but its caused this odd glitch, i cant seem to find any articles on it so far. So at the end of the 10 days of ostrich incubation i get this message that "Bacon has given birth" (Bacon is one of my pigs) and i thought, oh shoot im gonna have to sell another to keep room for the ostrich. But as it turns out the ostrich had hatched as well, i named him after naming Bacon Jr. Now i have 12 pigs and an ostrich in my barn, im not sure if they are acting any differently than they usually would other than another pig "Bell" has stopped eating even though theres food in the barn. I think ill have to sell Bell before her hearts deplete and i lose value. But it is an odd glitch. My best guess is a pig reproduced on the same day as the egg hatched, and the game thought 'eh, lets keep em both' instead of prioritizing the pig.


Yes, that can happen if the random birth occurs the same day as the ostrich hatches. Just sell the new pig.