iOS [Bug] Stuck in the mountain side

Lucky Eddie

Year 2, Fall 22 8pm
  • Leaving railroad area south on horseback after sauna.
  • Tapped on right most exit square.
  • When arrived to square, sprite hopped as if getting off horse but didn’t exit area.
    I tapped around the sprite and on the horse, sprite turned as if traveling in that direction and had walking animation but no movement.
  • I pinched to expand the field of view and location changed to the mountains with no horse. Sprite moved as normal.
  • Went up to get the horse; location change to railroad as normal.
  • Couldn’t see where my sprite was and either adjusted field of view again or tapped on the southern exit (I can’t remember).
  • Location changed to Mountains, centered around garage it seemed.
  • I zoomed in all the way and it focused on the side of the mountain: pine tree just below and to the right of the garage, straight down, second square from the edge.
  • Forced quit the game and relaunched. Same outcome.

    I’m torn between waiting for the next day of reverting to beginning of the day.
iPhone SE
iOS 15