Solved [BUG] Still having a bug from 2 years ago...?


Listen, I know the bug was 'patched' 2 years ago, but somehow, my game decided it wasn't going to comply. So, basically I don't have an axe anymore, and haven't for a while. I've checked every box, storage area, and everywhere else. My game is running version 1.5.1 right now (I checked in the file) and yet it still doesn't have it. I tried editing it in the file where it says 'item in inventory' to false but it still doesn't send a new one to me. (I've tried other areas that did nothing as well). Not having an axe means I can't go to the new island or do certain quests! And yes, I have other saves that I could use but this save is on year 10 with over a million dollars and a productive farm! So, does anyone know what to do here? (I.e. editing the file, mods, etc.)


Local Legend
Have you tried opening local co-op in the game and using the new farmer's axe? Can always delete the cabin when you're done with it.