Switch [BUG] Slingshot ammo doesn't add like fishing rod


On the Nintendo Switch,
1) I go to my inventory and I see I have 23 stones
2) I select all 23 stones by pressing the "A" button
3) I move the stones over to the slot that has my slingshot -- my slingshot has 10 stones of ammo

When I try to drop the ammo onto my slingshot by pressing the "Y" button, instead of having 33 total ammo I have 10 ammo "selected" and 23 go to my slingshot.

the number i have selected and the number i have in my slingshot trade places instead of being merged.

this seems like a bug to me because the fishing rod merges any bait I add to it into the amount it already had.

if my rod has 5 bait and I add 10 bait then it has 15 bait. The rods don't replace the bait count like the slingshot currently does.

lmk if you need any additional details!


Local Legend
This is a behavior that is seen on PC as well. You have to remove what is in the slingshot and add it to the stack in inventory and then put the new, bigger stack back into the slingshot.