Switch BUG: Seeds Out of Season


Hi all! I began playing Stardew Valley on the Switch about 2 weeks ago. A couple of days ago, it was the beginning of fall so I planted some mixed seeds I had been saving. Once they sprouted, a few of them shriveled up. I'm assuming this is due to them being out of season, as they were being watered by the sprinkler every morning. As I mentioned, I'm new to SV, so I'm not sure if this mechanic is normal with mixed seeds.

However, I became certain I encountered some sort of bug when I planted 30 winter seeds on the first day of winter. These seeds were a reward for completing the winter foraging bundle. Of these 30 seeds, only 5 produced foragable crops. All of the others were out of season and died shortly after sprouting.

Is there a reason why this is happening? I have no mods or anything installed. In fact, SV is the only thing on my switch at the moment. Help?


They didn't die, wild seeds have one sprite that looks dead. If you keep watering them, they'll grow like the others.

Mixed seeds should always grow a plant for the season when you plant them. Thunderstorms can kill your plants though, maybe there was one at the beginning of fall?