Android [BUG] Rogue mushrooms out-of-bounds.


I emailed support on this, but haven't seen any response. I had a giant mushroom spawn in an unplayable area, and then it spawned a second one, also untouchable. Hilltop farm, quarry area. Can't get rid of it, tap it, or interact with it in anyway. Tried everything, even megabombs, but nothing has any effect. I think it sprouted year 2 or 3, it is year 9 now.



Thanks for reporting this!
Perhaps I should mention this - initially, all I could see of the first one (left one in pic) were intermittent flashes of red through the bush. Had no idea it was a mushroom - it looked like a small bird fluttering in a hedgerow. This lasted several seasons - weird for any plant/tree in game. I was a noob then, didn't know how weird it was! The original (normal) plant from which it spawned was below, in the little niche by the bridge - where you can't see what is there. I think it was either in the corner or one gridspace north.