Solved Bug report (Clint quest with ores)


I never reported any bug in my life coz, im to lazy to do it, but since I like ConcernedApe and chuckle fish.

I just bought a game, and have bug when I have quest from Clint to deliver him 20 copper ores as a quest. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but as every quest I did, when they needed something I gave them quest item as a gift and it was completed.

But with Clint quest it's different. I give him ores but he get only one and as a gift even though im trying to gave him 20 of them as he want.

BTW: Have ConcernedApe name something familiar with sentence from Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom, when Willie say to Indi that he is conceited ape? :D


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You have to collect the ores from mining, then once you've collected 20 you just talk to Clint. And no my name doesn't have anything to do with indiana jones!


Oh okay, Ye I just realized that I was doing something wrong :D When I had different quest with fishing, thanks and sorry for taking your time.